Saturday, May 17, 2008

KCMI Local Flight - 0.8 hours

Today I worked on a few fundamentals like slow flight and steep turns. It's pretty quiet at KCMI now that the students are gone for the summer. I think the tower was happy to talk to anyone today.

Winds were gusty and it was warm (about 80). This made for a bumpy brew. Not the worst I've seen, but certainly challenging. At one point I was in a thermal climbing at 500 fpm with flaps out, nose down and power pulled back to 25%. This made practicing turns in slow flight a little difficult. I was jockeying the throttle quite a bit to maintain altitude as I went bouncing in and out of thermals. Steep turns were not as challenging.

Climb rate was actually pretty good considering how much warmer it was today than it has been.

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