Thursday, November 15, 2007

KCMI Local Flight - .5 hours

Now that the sun is setting at about 5 or so, I'm going to find myself doing a lot more night flying if I want to fly at all. And the last couple of night flights I've had, I've felt the landings weren't that great. So, tonight I pulled the plane out about 8:30 and did some stop and gos.

It was already sub 30's when I got to the hangar. Flight prep always seems more difficult in the cold. The hangar door, which is manually operated, gets really tough to open. Tonight it felt like the gates of Mordor. Plus, I hadn't preheated the engine and it took a pretty hard crank to get it fired up. I cringe just thinking about it.

The flight itself was pretty uneventful. The sliver of moon was setting when I showed up at the field and was gone by the time I took runway 32R. With no moonlight, you sometimes feel like you're in a black hole. That's when you have to really watch out for vertigo. Luckily I didn't experience any.

The flight was pretty uneventful. I had the field to myself. No one else was in the pattern. All the landings were, by my estimation, much better. At the very least, I felt better about them.

(Note: This flight actually occurred about 4 weeks ago. I'm just now getting around to blogging about it.)

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