Wednesday, April 23, 2008

KCMI Local Flight - 0.5 hours

Many flights have transpired between the last post and this one. I got lazy with the blogging. Tonight I stayed in the pattern and shot some night landings to keep myself current for night flying. They weren't the prettiest, but they were passible. Winds were fairly brisk aloft despite being relatively calm at the surface. It made for some pretty good ground reference maneuver practice. Because winds were calm near the surface, the ground speed on final felt higher than normal.

Winds dictated everyone use runway 4 this evening. Instead of allowing me to take the Bravo taxiway all the way to the end, they had me enter the runway at Charlie (a good 3/4 of the way down the runway) and back taxi to my start point. The tower controller left how far back I taxied to my discretion.

As for visibility, it was kind of hazy, but I'm not complaining. This is the first night it actually felt a little like summer. It was nice just to be able to start without pre-heat again.

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